So if, for example, you were to create a world called ABC, you will now find a data_abc directory in your BF2_ModTools folder. What this has now done, is create a mod directory under your BF2_ModTools directory for your new mod.
Now that that’s all our of the way, all that’s left to do, is check the boxes for the game modes you want to include on your new map (the choices are Conquest, 2-flag CTF, 1-flag CTF, and Hero Assault) and click “Create World”. The Full World Name and World Description are what will show up in the shell when you go to select your new map to play it.
Once you’ve entered a 3-letter world name, you’ll need to enter a Full World Name, and a World Description for your new map. Note: the 3-letter name thing is unfortunately required by many systems in the game, so this was something we were unable to change. I’ll use ABC as the example for this document. The first thing you’ll need to do to put you on the path of getting your very own Battlefront II map up and running, and choose a 3-letter name for your mod. This file contains some reference files useful for looking at how to create a new side for your mod (more on this in BF2 Jedi Creation.doc. Under the root of the mod tools folder, you’ll find the EULA (End User Licensing Agreement), Readme.txt, and a file called jedi side DO NOT MODIFY ANY FILES IN THIS FOLDERĪ bunch of tools related files that you don’t have to worry too much about in creating new levels for Battlefront II. The game mode, world files, and script files are stored here.Īgain…. This folder contains the template files that VisualMunge uses to create your new world. Many of the game’s systems are documented in these files. Be sure to check out these docs as they will certainly be helpful when endeavoring to create some spiffy new Battlefront II content. This folder contains many useful documents which will help you along your way to creating some nifty Battlefront II mods. VisualMunge will create a copy of this database, and there will be the files that you’ll want to modify. These files will be copied to your new mod folder (which ModTools VisualMunge will create, this will also be explained later) DO NOT MODIFY ANY FILES IN THIS FOLDER. This folder contains most of the files actually needed to make a working level mod in Battlefront II. Note: it would be wise not to directly edit these files without copying them into your mod folder first. Don’t worry, this will all be explained later. This folder contains many of the original assets from Battlefront II, many of which you’ll need to copy into your mod directory manually if you wish to make mods using these files. Inside, you’ll find the following folders: We can’t be held responsible should you put it somewhere else, and things don’t work, so just take our advice…this is where you want to put your BF2 Mod Tools files. First, unzip your BF2_ModTools zip file into the root of your C: drive.