These two events shocked the Byzantines, the papacy, and the Christian Europeans. At nearly the same time, they successfully captured Jerusalem from its Egyptian Muslim rulers. In 1071 the Seljuks achieved a stunning victory over a Byzantine army at Malazgirt in modern Turkey, which led to Turkish occupation of most of Anatolia. Their leaders took the title sultan, meaning “holders of power.” By 1100 they controlled most of Anatolia (taken from the Byzantines), Palestine, the lands surrounding the Persian Gulf, the holy cities of Arabia, and as far east as Samarkand. In 1055 they became the real power behind the caliph in Baghdad and began extending their rule. These mercenaries converted to the Sunni branch of Islam. Approximately 70,000 Seljuks started as mercenaries to fill the ranks of the Islamic army of the caliph of Baghdad. The Seljuks, nomads from the steppes near the Caspian Sea, converted to Islam around the tenth century. The name Turk refers to two different Muslim groups of the Middle East-first the Seljuks and then the Ottomans.

The Empire deployed Janissaries all over Europe and Africa where they defeated the Byzantines at Constantinople and the Mamelukes in the desert. They trained profusely in the art of shooting and were a deadly force to be reckoned with outside of the empire. They were young boys who were stripped from their families at a young age and made to learn the customs of the Janissary. Janissaries were musketeer warriors for the Ottoman Empire. | | Team Bonus: Gunpowder units train 20% faster | | | o Light Cavalry, Hussar upgrade free | | Turks | o Gunpowder units +25% HPs, researching gunpowder | Bombard Cannons are slow but they can take down buildings quickly. Because Janissary are neither infantry or ranged, they are good offense against any units. I would build a team of Janissary and team them up with bombard cannons. They cannot upgrade to pikeman making them vulnerable to attacks from the Mongols or Franks. Their weakness is their lack of anti-cavalry units. Their unique unit, the Janissary, is a elite hand cannoneer and can cause massive damage. They have every available gunpowder unit and building. The Turks utilize gunpowder and chemistry fully.